Saturday, October 15, 2005

Project Based Learning

Based upon the experiences of project based learning that I have had in my EDIT class alone, I know that I definitely want to incorporate this into my classroom. I had fun while learning the technology needed to complete the assignment given. I would love for my students to think learning can be and is fun! Especially since I want to teach kindergarten.

Because I want to teach kindergarten, using project based learning will be a little more difficult, because they are so limited in what they can do. One idea I had was, towards the end of the school year, put the children into three groups. The first group will be given four or five vocabulary words, and have to write a beginning to a story with them. I would help with the writing if need be. The group will then present the beginning to the story, and then the second group would be given four or five other vocabulary words. This group would come up with the middle of the story. After they did this, the last group would write the end of the story with other vocabulary words. Then after this, I would present the entire story from beginning until end. I could also have the students draw pictures that go along with the story and then laminate it all together to look like a book. The students will learn about how a story needs to have a beginning, middle, and ending, as well as incorporate vocabulary into what they write.

For an individual project, I could have the children go home and try to find as many objects in their house that are a certain color, or shape. This way they can see how the things they are learning about in class are all around them.


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