Sunday, October 09, 2005

Mabry's Goal

Mabry has reached its goal in reaching parents. The parents can read the teachers blogs, see their child's progress in school, and see if there is any disciplinary problems. The parents can also pay for school lunches, the yearbook etc.

I feel like reaching the students has not quite been met. The students can see what homework there is in case they had to miss a day of school, but connecting to the teacher is still lacking. Perhaps, if the students could keep a blog of their own, teacher monitored of course, there would be more of a connection. If the students even had the opportunity to comment on something the teacher wrote in their blogs there would be more of a reason for the students to come on to the web site, other than to see the homework, or to see when the fall dance is.

As far as teachers connecting to teachers, I think Mabry has the potential. If this school is set up the way my middle school ran, there were "teams" of teachers that each teacher in the team taught one subject area. If Mabry has this set up, then the teachers can each look at their lesson plans, and see if there is anything that they can incorporate into their own lesson plans. For example, if the Social Studies teacher has scheduled to teach about the Civil War, and the Literacy teacher has a good Civil War story she or he can incorporate, then perhaps the students can be immersed into the subject.


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